Jesper's Posts

H = Help

This week’s letter is H and I have decide it stands for Help since I just had a period with too much things going on which is also why I have been away. But now I am back and things are good again except that my alarm clock did not ring as for some reason my phone was not charging during the night.


People need help and sometime people with Asperger’s need more help that others like fx in Denmark we have something called FLEX job which is a good way to help people who cannot work full time. It means after testing I can work 25 hours a week while people I work with respects my needs. The work place gets paid for my sick days and some of my salary in return for making me able to work instead of walking around at home with little to no income. I am glad that exist as I am not sure I would have been able to work 37 hours a week which is the normal here without being sick often. Other people with Asperger’s or other diagnoses might have a hard time with more simple things like ordering food, talk to people, get dressed or showering. I sometimes need things explained to me but once I get them I often have no problems doing them. This is why I have decide that H stands for help since I also feel that people are slowly turning into one man armies who sees it as weakness to help the poor or those in need and get as rich as possible instead of helping people and make the army the entire country, make the country and the world a better place to in. If you need a good example of this then I think you should watch Rain Man as I feel it shows how people can be sometimes. It both shows how we with Asperger’s and other diagnosis need help and show that people wants to be rich or have fame even it is from 1989. Enjoy watching.


We do not always know we need help and some of us need more help than others so always respect people’s differences.

Jesper's Posts

Spoon theory

Today I wanna talk about spoon theory, don’t remember where I learned about it but thanks to the creator it is really helpful for me and I felt I needed to share it with the world

In case anyone want a short post about spoon theory then it is a way to explain how much energy you have each day and how much each event costs to you.

12 spoons

The first thing to know about spoon theory is that on a normal / good day I have 12 spoons to complete the day and they all depends on how good my sleep was… if it was bad I can lose some meaning I might have only 10 spoons that day. I can sometimes borrow some from the day after but I rarely do it as that means I have less for the day after and don’t want that.

List of events and spoon costs

  • Work = 6 spoons
  • Scouts = 1 spoon
  • Boulders = 1 spoon
  • Friends / Family = 1 spoon
  • Cleaning day = 5 spoons
  • Brain routine = 1 spoon

As you can see, depending on how much I do that, it cost more… nothing is ever free but something cost so little it doesn’t count. An important thing to remember about the number of spoons things costs. It is only when things goes smoothly if things goes bad, I suddenly use much more spoons.

A normal day

On a normal day I do everything to make things only cost me 10 spoons as I never know when things goes wrong and suddenly cost more. An example could be that my train was cancelled so I had to travel in a more full train so normally it doesn’t bother me to take train but because of the changes it suddenly cost me 1 spoon.

  • Wake up & morning routine = 1/2 spoon
  • Transport to/from work = 0 spoons
  • Work with a single meeting = 6 spoons
  • Transport to/from scouts = 0 spoons
  • Scouts = 2 spoons
  • Evening routine = 1/2 spoons
  • Brain routine = 1 spoon

That is how my Monday looks if anything is good meaning I have 2 spare spoons.


If you have a friend or family member with Asperger’s or autism it might be helpful for the person to use this to make you understand how their energy is used. I am doing good at normal things but other people might need to use a spoon for something as simple as taking shoes on so respect that people might need more energy than you.

Thanks for listening and I really hope some of you can use it