Jesper's Posts

G = Groups

This week’s letter is G and I have decided that it stands for groups since I think it is a major thing. My experiences with groups have been both good and bad. Let us start with the bad because I think most people with Asperger’s experience that those things.


Group work -> I am bad in classes since people are bad at helping each other and I feel like I lose track of things since no one has a clear line about what will happen. One time in high school I was getting into a group with two girls I did not talk to much and even that I said they could contact me any time so we could do the assignment together they never did and I ended up failing the assignment since I had been so focused with other things that I forgot about it. Not 100% their fault but still they did not give me a chance.

Class (Noisy area) -> I am fine with noisy areas mostly so cannot speak about that but I get why it is hard to focus. But if there is too many people in the room I can get sick from it. One time I tried to learn a bit about myself so I went to the mall on black Friday and I got sick from being there for less than 15mins even I had a plan and a goal for the day. These days I can just use noise cancelling headphones.


Scouts -> I am good at group assignments when I at the scouts because I feel that at scouts you do what you are good at while others do what they are good at and that way things get done instead of people who bad at chopping wood gets to do that and so on

Work -> I am good in groups at work since it is a bit similar to scouts plus there is a boss telling what needing to be done.


If you want to help your fellow Asperger’s and make them have a good time, do not always bring them to a noisy area.

Jesper's Posts

F = Fake

This week’s letter is F and I have decided that it stands for fake and before you all go nuts then I am not saying Asperger’s is fake. I have picked fake because 2 things. 1. Fake news and 2. Being called ‘Fake’, which I will come back to. Normally I would have divided this into 2 headlines but I feel they are so connected that you cannot really divide them completely. Both of the things hurt me deeply and if you do any of them to me I would say it is more than being a bully without knowing the correct word. So the fake news that hurts me is that so many people seems to not want to give their kids vaccines because they have gotten some crazy idea that vaccines gives kids Asperger’s, autism and diagnoses like that and it really don’t. I don’t want to argue about it here unless necessary so here is a link that explains what happened back when it was suggested. As finally words about this I just want to say it is really hurting me to know people rather want their kids to have problems with curable diseases than have a kid like me. Back to my other part of fake… the other part of fake is being called fake and by that I mean literally what I say on the label, that people think you are faking it. I am not sure why people say it but I think it is because I am living in a rich country where it is possible to get help or just something as simple as you being jealous on me. My experience with being called fake was not directly at me but I still felt hurt. It was two older ladies who were seating in a train next to me and their subject was that Asperger’s was fake. They talk about that we “Asperger’s” just did it to get attention and get free money from the government and so on. Well if people knew how much I have done to get to where I am today then they would be chocked I hope. I didn’t have an easy beginner because of bullies, I could not get my dream job at the time because people couldn’t see past it but when the puzzles suddenly was built I have been having a great life. I still need a bit of help but I am giving back to that by being able to pay taxes and such things now. Plus for the record it would be harder for me to live if I just took the “free” money so it wouldn’t be a luxury but more a necessity if I needed to do that. Guess that was all I had on my mind for this week.