Jesper's Posts

E = Eye contact or energy

This week was close to be missing in action as I have been sick since Monday with gastroenteritis but I am feeling better now so I can continue my normal life. Anyway back today’s post where we have reached E, which to me is not hard to find words for so I have decide to pick eye contact and energy since I feel they are both important to me.

Eye contact

The reason I feel eye contact is important is because I feel that NT is finding it important. I used to be bad at it but slowly I am getting better, no thanks to that one lady in kindergarten school who got angry at me for looking at a table because I was crying while she read 4 whole A4 pages with bad things about me. Sorry that was a side track, these days if I know the person well and I am having a good time with the person I can look into the person’s eyes while if I do not know the person much I tend to look at the area of the nose which is between the eyes so it looks like I am looking into their eyes but I am not. I do not remember where I got this trick but seems it has been somewhere on the internet since it can be found so many place with little differences here and there. I feel it is bit hard to do if there are something I “need” to focus at while talking or whatever with the person. I say “need” to focus on because sometime things are there around me I do not need to focus on but still are so noisy or interesting that I cannot stop myself from focusing on it. I think the reason why eye contact is so important to NT is because it show so much body language to the person.


As for energy I feel that many NT does not notice how much energy a person like me uses to be active all time. In my life these days I have decide to follow the spoon theory which I have wrote about here but shortly told it is away to tell how much energy every thing in your life takes and to easier to explain a NT how we feel. I hope to have energy for more things in my life and I have decide to work on myself so things will be better for myself and for the people, like work and scouts, depending on me.