Jesper's Posts

D = Different

Before we start I would like to say sorry for missing last week but too much was going on so lost focus on this but really want to have a habit of writing a post here every week.

Anyway back to why you are here. This week’s letter is D which I have decided should stand for different. Before you start telling me that yes of course Asperger’s and Neurotypical’s are different from each other then that of course is part of my post today but the thing I want to say with big words today is people with Asperger’s can be different as well so just because you have a family member with Asperger’s doesn’t mean that you know everything about it as we are unique people just like Neurotypical’s and sometimes it brothers me that just because I have Asperger’s some people except me to do certain things. Fx I don’t know how to count cards, I know how to walk the streets so I don’t mind red lights like in the movie Rain man. But instead I can be sick from stress which I guess is because I was bullied a lot in my childhood. That brings me to the other kind of different, kids don’t tease or bully other kids because of their Asperger’s or other things like that as they don’t know it, but they do it because the person is different so maybe we should spend time with our kids to learn them that people are different even though we look the same just like we have to treat people from other cultures and countries differently in good ways. So lets us treat all people with the same respect and kindness we want ourself.