Jesper's Posts

C = Clever or clumsy

This week post has 2 words as I feel they are both important for Asperger’s even I am not sure if it is just me or all Asperger’s. The first is clever and the second is clumsy but let us just get started.


I have picked clever as I feel that there is a lot of people who says people with Asperger’s is clever but needs help with other things and I am not disagreeing about this. The problem is that people like me who seem normal is not discovered as fast as people like that. I am not clever or rather I don’t feel like one but I don’t need as much help as other people but I sure have problems as well. So I guess I am a more normal person on that point. To give an example of clever people I like to think about Rain man who can count the cards but need help with all kinds of things. You would lose money if you tried that with me.


I have picked clumsy as the second word as it is a bit of the opposite of being clever since it means you can do things which will feel stupid or similar. I can’t count how many times I have twisted my food just because of walking on the streets. I have hurt myself so many times that there was a period where I was at the doctor once a week. The only good things about this clumsiness is that I have never broken anything and I got my first gf by falling down a small cliff with head first so I had to go hospital to get checked. I am not sure why I am so clumsy but it fits well that I get driving sick as well so life is not always easy to me.

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