Jesper's Posts

A = Alone time

I have decided to do each letter individually and not in one post like the alphabet I did the first time.

Today I will like to talk about “alone time” which is a time / place where people like me goes if things gets too much. But it can also be a good time since we can focus on our special interests that way. I like being social but it can really drain my energy if there are too many unknowns at the social event. If I go to work then I am fine because I have an idea about what will happen since work place is where I work. But if I go shopping maybe a person gets annoyed on something I did which is why I love hearing music while I know I am not required to be social so I can use my energy the right places. I love having a time for myself at times so I can relax and connect my thoughts. Guess that is what and why I need alone time at times.

Jesper's Posts

Asperger’s alphabet part 2

Today I just have a short post today as I don’t know what to write about today and then I remembered I did an alphabet some time back. I have decided to remake that as I feel many of the answers I did was not Asperger’s but more about me as person, not that it was bad to talk about myself but that is not why we are here. I will think good about the letters and answers for next week and give you a better one there.

Jesper's Posts

Me & meeting people

Today’s post is about me and meeting new people and I will divide into 8 different types of meeting as that is what I have ideas for. I hope it makes sense and that you guys enjoy it.

Total strangers (Alone)

Let us start with people I need to talk to that I meet on my own. It is not that hard for me if I am going shopping and I am at a shop needing help to buy a new controller or such because there is an outcome that I am almost certain of. Fx if I go into a hair salon I know I will get an haircut. If there is no certain outcome, then I won’t just talk to you if you are cute and we are on a bar (I never goto bars or drink alcohol), first of all I would not know where to start and if it was because I wanted to be interested in you I would maybe not say anything as I have a very bad age justment so I do not know if you are a teen or in your 30’s. Of cause I can see you are young or old but age is just a number to me. But if a person starts talking to me about a subject I do not mind talking back.

Total strangers (Family / freinds)

Other type is if I am introduced to a new freind or family member with the help of a freind or family member then things gets more easy as I have someone I know on the one side and I can talk to the person about the stranger if the infomation I need is not something I got from the stanger. Besides there is often an outcome of this so I am not left confused by it like I would be if I am alone.

Total strangers (Work)

Work is very similar to when I meet new people with freinds and family since my workplace always takes good care of me and is used to meet people in that outcome which also means I quickly introduce myself and because I feel it is important for them to know I have Asperger’s I tell them quickly that as well plus suggust them watching Adam so they know a bit more about me in case they do not know Asperger’s.

Group of people (Alone)

Groups of people is harder for me to meet alone than single person because I am often having a hard time focusing on them all in one go, but often I pick out those who seems kind and get to know them first but if too many and I am not supose to connect with them I can get sick if the group of people make the building we are in seem very crowded. I have tried walking into a mall here, while it was black friday and I got so sick that if I was going work I would not have been able to. So groups of people is a bit bad when I am alone no matter if I have to talk to them or not.

Group of people (Family / freinds)

Just fine as the outcome is known, I will still perfer one and one but I can get to talk to people a bit but would feel a bit lost at times as well even not as bad if it is work place or similar

Group of people (Work)

Just fine as the outcome is known, I will still perfer one and one but I can get to talk to people a bit but would feel a bit lost at times as well.

Online freinds

(Not meant in a bad way, just to describe people as I see friends as freinds no matter where they are from)

Meeting online friends in ‘real’ life has not happened to me yet but I am sure they are fine as I know the person I meeting and we have things to talk to from the start so I have an outcome and a good time with them just like I would in an hair salon as back at “Total strangers” part. (I cannot wait to meet Ria later this year 2024)

Surprise meeting

Lets say that I was dating someone and they were worried about how I would react if meeting their parents or family members. I am talking about this because in the movie Adam there is an episode where he finds out that the girl he is with has arranged a meeting with her parents without he knows and gets mad. Let me make this clear, I would not become mad if that happen, I would not mind meeting her family that way but I would have some problems if my girl introduce at a big party or something as if the place is too crowded I would certainly get sick and I do not want to show my bad side. I guess my limit would be 4-5 people at a time.


Meeting new people can be hard for me if too many people and not a known outcome which is also why I hate meetings since I do not know the outcome of them.

Jesper's Posts

Merry Christinas & happy new year

Today I just want to wish you all a merry Christmas and happy new year because I forgot to do it before it happened hahaha but anyway I am glad to be back here and ready to start again. I don’t know how many of you do it but every year I try to make a New Year’s resolution or sometimes more. Some fails for me and some continue… last year I did too many I guess but one still continues. I still try to learn Japanese even that the app I am using is a bit bad at the moment so switched to English for a while as my English is not perfect either.

My New Year’s resolutions

No nails or skin biting
Drink more more water
3x spoons citrus
2x eat fruit
Eat breakfast
Max 1 hour Reddit
2-3 times boulders a week

I hope some of those new ones stick.

I also hope I can get started at publishing some more post here for you guys

Thanks for following me and have nice time to next time