Jesper's Posts

Spoon theory

Today I wanna talk about spoon theory, don’t remember where I learned about it but thanks to the creator it is really helpful for me and I felt I needed to share it with the world

In case anyone want a short post about spoon theory then it is a way to explain how much energy you have each day and how much each event costs to you.

12 spoons

The first thing to know about spoon theory is that on a normal / good day I have 12 spoons to complete the day and they all depends on how good my sleep was… if it was bad I can lose some meaning I might have only 10 spoons that day. I can sometimes borrow some from the day after but I rarely do it as that means I have less for the day after and don’t want that.

List of events and spoon costs

  • Work = 6 spoons
  • Scouts = 1 spoon
  • Boulders = 1 spoon
  • Friends / Family = 1 spoon
  • Cleaning day = 5 spoons
  • Brain routine = 1 spoon

As you can see, depending on how much I do that, it cost more… nothing is ever free but something cost so little it doesn’t count. An important thing to remember about the number of spoons things costs. It is only when things goes smoothly if things goes bad, I suddenly use much more spoons.

A normal day

On a normal day I do everything to make things only cost me 10 spoons as I never know when things goes wrong and suddenly cost more. An example could be that my train was cancelled so I had to travel in a more full train so normally it doesn’t bother me to take train but because of the changes it suddenly cost me 1 spoon.

  • Wake up & morning routine = 1/2 spoon
  • Transport to/from work = 0 spoons
  • Work with a single meeting = 6 spoons
  • Transport to/from scouts = 0 spoons
  • Scouts = 2 spoons
  • Evening routine = 1/2 spoons
  • Brain routine = 1 spoon

That is how my Monday looks if anything is good meaning I have 2 spare spoons.


If you have a friend or family member with Asperger’s or autism it might be helpful for the person to use this to make you understand how their energy is used. I am doing good at normal things but other people might need to use a spoon for something as simple as taking shoes on so respect that people might need more energy than you.

Thanks for listening and I really hope some of you can use it

Jesper's Posts

Being overwhelmed

Today I want to talk about being overwhelmed and how it effects me. I don’t know how this works 100% so don’t know if there are different types so this is how I experience it. I will start by telling so stories about it and then try to to explain what happens to me and how I think I can prevent it.

Story 1

The first time I was really overwhelmed with thoughts was back when I was going to have my first new boss. The work place I am working had been under the same boss for almost the whole time it had existed and even that we felt we was a separate company my boss still had someone to report to. Because of the way my position was I was directly under the boss who was getting replaced because he didn’t want to be a boss anymore. The overwhelming started as my coworkers and the boss wanted one of my coworkers as the new boss but the people that my old boss reported to didn’t and that made the entire office really bad mood and everybody was very negative and angry about it. Which left me scared about how things would change and so on. Things got worse and worse almost daily and I lost the good mood I had and the like. We got a new boss who was a man from the outside and the only thing take prevented me from going nuts on his first day was that he had forgotten his lunch so he had to join me and a few others to the cafeteria and he showed he was a normal person like the rest of us.

Story 2

The second story I want to tell is not done yet as we are still moving to a new office building but this time I am more happy and better at seeing what I want to see than being hit by group pressure. So I am sure this will happen become good again like last time but I did have some flashbacks from the boss episode. It didn’t help that people was used to big office with small numbers while the new office is smaller rooms and bigger groups people. I got a bit lost again but one week I didn’t go to work Wednesday where my coworkers had a meeting and it was a crazy change from bad to good over the day off.

What happens

When I get overwhelmed I become:

  • Focused on negative things
  • Lose my head
  • Gets annoyed
  • Loses my good mood

I guess most are self explanatory so ask if you need help to understand them

How to prevent it

I am not sure how to prevent it other than try to look at the positives things and talk to people about the things that they are annoyed about so miss understanding doesn’t happen

Jesper's Posts

Asperger’s in movies & series Part 2

I did this a few months ago about movies with Asperger’s and now I have seen or head some new movies and series about people with Asperger’s so wanted to make a sequel.

I used to be famous

The movie is about a man (Vince) who used to be part of a boy band in his younger years and since then he has lost everything so he trying to get a new chance in music. One day he meets Stevie who is autistic and they cannot talk to each other at first and Stevie mom is very protective. Vince sees Stevie as his chance to enter the music again but on the same time he still trying to get over the death of his brother. Go watch it as it is on Netflix if you want to see a Vince maybe get his redemption and music contract. I like it because it shows that mother’s can be too protective of their kids.

Mary and Max

I have not seen this movie so cannot say what it is about but was told about it and read a bit about and after I read that it is about a 44 year old and a 8 year old who writes letters to each other. I feel so connect to the movie as I am using a app called slowly which is a letter app where you send mails to each other but you do not know the person in the other, other than they share plus the father the person is away from you the longer it take to reach the person and hopefully a letter back. The other reason I am felling connect is because I feel I have a better connection with kids and older people than those at my age.


The series Somebody is a Korean series about a woman (Kim Sum) who has created a dating app when suddenly a man uses it to start killing people. The police wants the company to track him but they, they cannot and Kim Sum starts getting feelings for the guy because he is similar to her. It is a bit rough at times but I feel it does a great job at showing that even that Asperger’s might be made from gens it is also how your environment is. I would not go as far as saying I would do some of the things in the series but I have been bullied and teased a lot doing my child hood and because no one


Guess I just wanted to show that again there is plenty of movies and series with features people with all kinds disabilities and everything else so there is plenty to watch if you want to learn about people like me or others who might need a bit more help than you expected.

P.s the covers are all from IMDB