Jesper's Posts

10 things I hate as an Aspie

Today Ria gave me the idea to publish 10 things I hate as an Aspie and I have decide not to make them order as I do not feel they have an order except for the first one

  • I hate or rather feel hurt that some people would rather have an chance that their kids died than having Asperger’s/ autism because they have the idea that vaccines gives it when it certainly does not
  • I hate that some people sees us as a difficult group people just because a few of us is need more help than what a normal person does
  • I hate that some people sees us as one type of people and do not understand that we are just as different as you and your sister or brother.
  • I hate that some people believes we fake it just to get attention and extra stuff like money and let me answer you right away the last thing I want is attention, I hate to be in the spotlight so if I could be normal or at least avoid people attention because of my different ways of acting I would love it.
  • I hate I was bullied as a child and that no one tried to help me or at least explained to me it was bad so I did not do it myself
  • I hate that people expect me to be around people all the time to be happy, I do not mind to be at home or go for a holiday on my own.
  • I hate discussions because I might see things a bit black and white even I know the world is not
  • I hate phone calls as they are unexpected and I fear that I am disturbing the person in the other end as I cannot see what they are doing
  • I hate that people expect me to remember their names or known their age as my memory do not remember names it does not use often and as for age, I cannot see it other than you are a child, young or old so please stop make me guess
  • I hate that people gets annoyed on me for being blunt or not sounding happy or sad enough at the right time.

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