Jesper's Posts

Questions from Ria Part 1

Here are some questions that Ria (Neurotypical) wants me Jesper (Asperger’s) to answer, maybe more will come.

1. What makes you feel hard to interact with neurotypical?

Answer: I often find it hard to know what the person want from me fx if a person is hurt sometimes I need to know if they just want the bandage or if they want a hug instead if that sense. (I know now but it was the only example I could think of) I also find it hard when no subject is given from the start.

1.1 Why?

Answer: I do no know why.

2. If you can reborn, you choose to still have aspergers or not?

Answer: Yes.

2.1 Why?

Answer: Because Asperger’s is how I am and I am sure that many of the things I have done I would not have done if I did not have Asperger’s.

3. Do you think your family fully support you as family member that has Asperger?

Answer: Yes I feel like they all support me.

3.1 How do they help n support you?

Answer: Help me with things I need help with, cannot come closer to that… maybe answering my stupid questions.

3.2 Is there any problems happen in family because of your Asperger?

Answer: Not that I know of.

3.3 Do your parents treat you differently?

Answer: Not that I know of, but I think they sometimes blame themselves a bit about that they did not noticed I was getting bullied and such before it was too late.

4. What you wish from neurotypical to understand about you as an aspie?

Answer: That we are not rude on purpose, sometimes we just speak the thing we find most obvious in the situation.

5. Do you want a cure?

Answer: Nope.

5.1 Why?

Answer: Because Asperger’s is how I am and I am sure that many of the things I have done I would not have done if I did not have Asperger’s plus I do not hurt anyone so why change me.