Jesper's Posts

Sleep cycle is an awesome app

Today I have almost used Sleep cycle for 2 months and it really gave me a new light on my sleep and how it affects me. The past days I have been so tired and without energy and I can see in the app that it is because I did stupid things to my sleep like going to be at random times and not just jumping out of bed at a certain time. I do not have much else to say other than I highly recommend it or some way else of measure your sleep as it is truly a superpower to get a good sleep. I cannot wait for my new bed to arrive next Wednesday so I can get a new start on my sleep.

Jesper's Posts

I am the alien in this world

Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

I walk miles on this earth
I speak languages on this earth
I breathe air on this earth
I live my life on this earth

But… I do not understand
I do not understand you
I do not understand me
I do not understand anything

Are we created or born on this earth?
Are we feeling or painless on this earth?
Are we alone or together on this earth?
Are we walking or flying on this earth?

But… I do not understand
I do not understand you
I do not understand me
I do not understand anything

I speak the same as you but I do not understand
I walk the same as you but I do not understand
I eat the same as you but I do not understand
I feel the same as you but I do not understand

But… I do not understand
I do not understand you
I do not understand me
I do not understand anything

I am the alien in this world
I want to scream loudly
I am the alien in this world
I want to run away
I am the alien in this world
I want to touch you
I am the alien in this world
I want to love you
I… I… I… am the alien in a world where no one really care for anyone and only lives for money and fame

Written by Jesper Christiansen, 20 Oktober 2021

Jesper's Posts

Sorry no post (Maybe go watch Somebody)

Just wanted to give a post this week and not like last week where nothing happened at all. I hope to return next week as life just happened and my head has been a bit full. Guess I want you to watch Somebody (Korean Drama) on Netflix with Asperger’s as well if I have to say anything this week. I have yet to watch it myself but guess I will soon.